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June 23, 2009

Gratitude and Impermanence

The Internet can be a strange world. There's a lot of non-sense out there, and people who are full of nonsense.

But then sometimes we have the marvelous good fortune to meet really genuine people. I've made some friends in the last few years out in cyber space. Even though on the surface it's not much more than pixels on a screen, these are real people, and real friends.

Today I'm feeling so much gratitude that I hardly know how to express it. I'm grateful for so many things that I rarely stop to really appreciate.

I had a head injury a couple of weeks ago and it produced some really weird symptoms. Until that experience, I don't think I had ever spent time truly reflecting on how fortunate I am to have a brain that works right most of the time. All it takes is a bad crack on the head for our opportunity to practice dharma to go up in smoke. Or a traffic accident, or a million other things.

Today I'm so grateful for friends, and for a body and brain that's working at the moment.

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Gratitude and Impermanence

>> June 23, 2009

The Internet can be a strange world. There's a lot of non-sense out there, and people who are full of nonsense.

But then sometimes we have the marvelous good fortune to meet really genuine people. I've made some friends in the last few years out in cyber space. Even though on the surface it's not much more than pixels on a screen, these are real people, and real friends.

Today I'm feeling so much gratitude that I hardly know how to express it. I'm grateful for so many things that I rarely stop to really appreciate.

I had a head injury a couple of weeks ago and it produced some really weird symptoms. Until that experience, I don't think I had ever spent time truly reflecting on how fortunate I am to have a brain that works right most of the time. All it takes is a bad crack on the head for our opportunity to practice dharma to go up in smoke. Or a traffic accident, or a million other things.

Today I'm so grateful for friends, and for a body and brain that's working at the moment.


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