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September 11, 2009

What person is there?

"A person is not earth, not water,
Not fire, not wind, not space,
Not consciousness, and not all of them.
what person is there other than these?" Nagarjuna.

By investigation what a person now exactly is we cannot find such thing. this means not there is simple nothing. Eliminate the extremes of eternalism and nihilism.

"Since the person is a composite of the six elements" Nagarjuna.

In this there is only labeling and says: there is actually a person but not truly existent one. Just investigate where mind comes from, where it goes, where it dwells. Then the view "arises" here of dependency. This is showed by Prasangika middle way. the essence is primordial purity.

There is frist analytical meditation but no any analyses is in what is called unity of awareness and emptiness.

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What person is there?

>> September 11, 2009

"A person is not earth, not water,
Not fire, not wind, not space,
Not consciousness, and not all of them.
what person is there other than these?" Nagarjuna.

By investigation what a person now exactly is we cannot find such thing. this means not there is simple nothing. Eliminate the extremes of eternalism and nihilism.

"Since the person is a composite of the six elements" Nagarjuna.

In this there is only labeling and says: there is actually a person but not truly existent one. Just investigate where mind comes from, where it goes, where it dwells. Then the view "arises" here of dependency. This is showed by Prasangika middle way. the essence is primordial purity.

There is frist analytical meditation but no any analyses is in what is called unity of awareness and emptiness.


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