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November 09, 2009


I had a nice talk about science and Buddhism which I like to share here with you all. It offers maybe a contemplation.

When we look around us, is it like our eyes are seeing three-dimensional view. The images landing in our brain are arriving there upside down and the brain is turning them in the view we see. When we look with two eyes is the brain combining the flat views, which appear and transforms them in three-dimensional view outside of it.

And so the observer get its’ birth. In reality the view is not outside us but in the brain. What we see are phenomena or mental images. Test: When we close one eye and look then, we see two-dimensional view; the perception changes.In that way, our brain is creating a view in panorama and we, we are out of that. Lol.
And those temporary interdependent not solid images are not our innate nature but the work of the film camera.

And that film camera we call “me”. Hello “me”! No peace to find in that suffering compounded and conditioned one!
Guru Rinpoche: “If we don’t focus or attach on mental concept we can recognize our natural original state. All phenomena are mind of spacious vastness beyond conceptual attributes.

We are not that film studio of mind; in which creations by the senses are taken for truth. Experiences are not showing us the truth. We always “think” to know. But when we think so, is this again our colourful film producer in action. When we can see that, we also see that conventional and absolute aren’t separated.

Longchenpa gave the advice: to see the innate primordial wisdom; learn the unapprehended view which is free from partiality. It will not depend on experiences, everything will appear as realization. No peace to find in fabrications.

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>> November 09, 2009

I had a nice talk about science and Buddhism which I like to share here with you all. It offers maybe a contemplation.

When we look around us, is it like our eyes are seeing three-dimensional view. The images landing in our brain are arriving there upside down and the brain is turning them in the view we see. When we look with two eyes is the brain combining the flat views, which appear and transforms them in three-dimensional view outside of it.

And so the observer get its’ birth. In reality the view is not outside us but in the brain. What we see are phenomena or mental images. Test: When we close one eye and look then, we see two-dimensional view; the perception changes.In that way, our brain is creating a view in panorama and we, we are out of that. Lol.
And those temporary interdependent not solid images are not our innate nature but the work of the film camera.

And that film camera we call “me”. Hello “me”! No peace to find in that suffering compounded and conditioned one!
Guru Rinpoche: “If we don’t focus or attach on mental concept we can recognize our natural original state. All phenomena are mind of spacious vastness beyond conceptual attributes.

We are not that film studio of mind; in which creations by the senses are taken for truth. Experiences are not showing us the truth. We always “think” to know. But when we think so, is this again our colourful film producer in action. When we can see that, we also see that conventional and absolute aren’t separated.

Longchenpa gave the advice: to see the innate primordial wisdom; learn the unapprehended view which is free from partiality. It will not depend on experiences, everything will appear as realization. No peace to find in fabrications.


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